The logo of Stichting Hope for Tomorrow is inspired by and partly based on the work of Ms Cher Mattijssen. More information can be found on

Aims and principles

Millions of children in many parts of the world are denied in one way or another the chance of making a better life for themselves owing to the neglect of their education and well-being. There can be many reasons for this, ranging from poverty, to dysfunctional families, to official neglect.

Stichting Hope for Tomorrow aims to be among those organisations that try to help disadvantaged children by making education, in a safe and caring environment, a fact rather than just a dream.

The Board of Directors of the Stichting has decided on a number of principles that will guide it in fulfilling its role in helping in its chosen cause.

Chief among these principles are the following:

  • the financial and advisory resources of the Stichting will be used to meet the educational and welfare needs of deprived children in a number of selected locations;
  • the Stichting will provide resources for children aged 1 to 12 years;
  • there will be no distinction made among children on the basis of any creed,  denomination or medical conditions;
  • the Stichting will select and support a limited number of existing voluntary organisations, including possibly orphanages, working in the area of educational and welfare programmes for disadvantaged children;
  • the chosen locations will include Rio de Janeiro in Brazil and Buenos Aires in Argentina; other locations in different parts of the world will also be considered;
  • the Stichting will seek out and choose the organisations with which it intends to work; it is not the intention to respond to uninvited solicitations for assistance.